Framing The Space
Museums are no longer show rooms of historical collections, they are the places of production.
The city museum, What if the city itself become a museum!
In the 19th century Prince Albert created Albertopolis, thought of showcasing all achievements of mankind, bringing arts and science closer together. And he built Exhibition Road, a linear sequence of institutions. The problem is that for most people museums are not seen as open spaces .. |
Awarded the best emerging design idea in architecture graduation project 2018, EMU
As Sirefman (1999) stated ‘No other building typology represents such intricate complexities or a multiplicity of functions as does that of the museum. Cultural repository, dynamic civic space, popular entertainment center, tool for urban revitalization - much is asked of contemporary museum architecture. A striking paradox of past achievements and future possibilities, museum architecture - unlike art, or a great collection - never stands alone. Architecture of the new museums is intrinsically part of something greater: cultural ambition, a corporate ideal, a climactic condition, a historical setting, a topology, a geography.
Gazimagusa is the second largest city located on the eastern coast of Northern Cyprus, with a population around 50.000 inhabitants. The development of Gazimagusa was influenced by different civilizations throughout its history The most significant architectural and urban features from the remains of the history in the Walled City are the harbor, the gothic St. Nicolas church/ Lala Mustafa Pascha Mosque, Namik Kemal Square, the Venetian Palace, Bugday Mosque and many others like the twin churches and St. George church placed at the west border of the selected site for the graduation project (see. Walled city map); in addition to Ottoman hamam and fountains and many warehouses, the closed market from the British Period are inside the walled city bound with the fortifications that date back to the Lusignan period.
The location of the site exhibits very high accessibility, in addition to being close to one of gates called Canbulat Gate and inhabits many historical remains from different historical periods, colonial buildings, many palm trees and faces the sculptural aesthetic of the city walls from two sides. This extremely unique historic city has been the center of quite serious attention over the last few decades, however it definitely deserves more. Proposing a new City Museum located in the selected part of the walled city is expected to play the most important role in the revitalization process of the historic neighbourhood; it wakes up and will begin a new life; it will become more livable, enjoyable for the locals, citizens and all other people.
Let’s drink coffee together !
Tornado Tower, West Bay. Floor 16, Doha, Qatar